Wednesday, November 3, 2010


As is tradition, the kiddies made a trip to Granny and Gramps house for some goodies on Halloween.  And like the past several years, the kiddies approached the front door with fear and trepidation.  Let me explain why...

About 4 years ago, Granny decided it would be funny to replace the scarecrow on the front porch with herself dressed as a scarecrow!  You can only imagine the screams and howls that came from her 5 grandchildren when the "scarecrow" came to life!  Since then we've had to coax some of the younger ones to actually go up to the front door.

Last year, Gramps freaked the kids out a bit as the Headless Horseman.

So as not to disappoint them (us), this year the spook continued.  It started with our phone call to see if they were home.  A very creepy voice said "We're waiting for you..."  Upon arriving, there was some sort of howling going on as if to remind us that Grandma and Grandpa aren't completely normal.  When no one answered the door, we walked in - only to be spooked by this fella who shook and wailed.

Then just a few steps into the house, this creature appeared:

"Granny?  Is that you?  What happened to your teeth and why is your eyeball falling out of the socket?"

A trip downstairs and we found Gramps in costume too!  Here's a picture of the whole crew!

I have reminded Granny and Gramps that as the kiddies get older, I suspect the tables will turn and the spookers will become the spookies.  As the old saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!


  1. Oh my gosh! This is SO awesome. What a blast it must be to go there! Great job on the blog, by the way. I've always wanted to do one for our family. One of these days, I'll get to it. Hmmm.

    Debbie Howitt

  2. Looks like a fun time was had by all.

  3. Awesome! I still remember the halloween when I was little and my Grandma came around the side of the house dressed like a ghost and I freaked (might of actually peed my pants)!
